Saturday, February 15, 2014

Stencil Wall

And here is my nursery update. Stencil Wall- Painted Wallpaper Wall- whatever you want to call it is now complete! Whoot! You have no Idea how excited I was to put the brush down after this one. If it was all standing level height to paint, no biggie, but with this growing belly its hard to get down to the floor to paint (and be straight about it), and just as difficult to have my arms over my head trying to reach up to the ceiling.
So here's the how to on this crafty project. Tanya and I dug deep into my recycle bin and pulled out the biggest cereal box that we could find. She cut out this beautiful Moroccan stencil and BAM! Ha- nope not that easy but it was for me as I watched her measure and cut and measure some more. Btw Tanya your skills are greatly appreciated.
Take a look, the chalkboard wall came in handy once again.
 We practiced our stencil here first.
Then we started on the wall. Finding the very center and working our way around it.
The level came in handy for the first few but then after that they just fell right into place.
Penciled on first, then paint x 2 coats over the pencil, and finally touch up.

Complete! I love-love the way this turned out.
This will be the wall that the crib is against.
I am pretty close to being able to say "I'm 8 months prego now!"

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